Rabu, 23 Maret 2016


Pork Roast Karo

       Roast Pork Karo or more popularly known as BPK (Babi Panggang Karo) is a food made of roasted pork with spicy taste. This food comes from the karo tribe, so many are found in various cities that many inhabited by the Karo tribe, like in Berastagi,  Kabanjahe, Medan, and even in Pekanbaru, Jakarta, and Bandung.

Babi Panggang Karo (BPK)


      The difference between Roast Pork Karo with the other is the roasting is done way more unique with slight slices and the selection of the meat. When served, Roast Pork Karo will also be added with a dish like cooked rice, soup and cassava leaves that has been mashed and cooked with traditional.

     Then, also presented a sauce made from pig's blood, where the blood sauce has cooked with a little added water and flavored with herbs such as acid, chili, garlic, red onion and the other traditional seasoning. Once cooked, the blood sauce would change be brown.

Roast Pork Karo served and ready to eat
Roast Pork Karo with Soup and Blood Sauce

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